Dr. V.K.Maheshwari, M.A (Socio, Phil) B.Sc. M. Ed, Ph.D.
Former Principal, K.L.D.A.V. (P.G) College, Roorkee, India
Problems refers to various problems of students like behavioral problems, emotional problems, educational problems and social problems. Problems related to any or all the external activities of a person, which are observed directly, like behavior that harms or threatens to harm others, lying, violation of rules etc, are behavioral problems. Emotional problems are the problems related to any of the particular feelings that characterize the state of mind. Educational problems include problems related to cognitive skills, teachers’ and parental motivation in academic field, adjustment with the school etc. Social problems are the problems related to social environment such as social behavior, social participation, peer influence and adjustment with family, society and religion.
Here are some common problems faced by students in their academic period.
Behaviour Problems
An unwanted behavior which needs changing. Also, a pattern of hostile, aggressive, or disruptive behavior which goes beyond societal norms. Although it does not serve to seriously impair individual function, it can be a problem area.
Social problems
For a problem to be social its causes should be social too. I mean that its origins must have something to do with human interactions. Sometimes everyday problems such as lack of communication within the family don’t seem social but personal, but after more thorough examination we come to understand its hidden social nature.
It is a social condition that the threatens or actual alters the normal function of society to which there is a general consensus that something need to be done about.
A condition in which someone deviates from social mores, norms, values,etc. and the condition is considered problematic, especially from the dominate culture.
Emotional Problems
Children’s temperaments vary and thus they are quite different in their ability to cope with stress and daily hassles. Some are easygoing by nature and adjust easily to events and new situations. Others are thrown off balance by changes in their lives., a mood disorder; an affective disorder in which the victim tends to respondexcessively and sometimes violently.
Curriculum related problems-
Curriculum is a reflection and a product of the society and can contribute to the change in the society. It is necessary to reflect on the issues to reach decisions in a dynamic and responsive curriculum development process.
Classroom Size
Many areas of the country are facing classrooms that are literally busting out at the seams
most teachers agree that they cannot effectively teach every student in a classroom, if the class size exceeds about 30.
Technology needs to come into the classroom to keep up with the learning demands of the 21st century. Schools that are already cash-strapped may find an unsurmountable challenge in coming up with the funding to bring computers and other forms of technology into their classes.
Bullying is not a new problem, but it is one that has a profound impact on the learning aptitude of many students today. Cyberbullying has become a major issue for schools
Budget cuts have created huge problems for most public schools in recent years. Less funding means smaller staffs, fewer resources and a lower number of services for students.
Tuition costs are rising at alarmingly high rates. Couple that with eating out, shopping trips, gas for the car, and the price of textbooks, and you have a college student’s worst nightmare. College students drop out of school each year because they cannot afford it
Whether they admit it or not, most students will at one point get homesick. This is especially common for students who go to a school that is more than 3 hours from their home.
Sickness / Health Conditions
With heightened levels of stress and lack of sleep, health problems can occur. Living in close quarters in dorms also poses potential health risks and increases a student’s chances of contracting some sort of virus or other sickness.
Parties were designed so that attendees could have a good time. However, many of the parties that go on at colleges today have the potential to cause problems. At many parties alcohol, drugs, and sex rule the night. Alcohol can lead to drunkenness and potentially deadly situations
Concentration is essential for study. Many students may find it hard to concentrate on their study properly.
Exam Stress
It’s very common that student becomes too much stress at the days of exam. He thinks about how to make full preparation in time. He fears he may not complete his preparation for the coming paper. He fears that he may fail and this worry doesn’t let him study.
Selection of Major Career for oneself – Imposed Programs
Every student after passing the basic classes has to choose particular program of education as a major career for himself. Student has many options to choose from, i.e. studying medicine or engineering or accountancy etc.. Majority students find it hard to select an educational program as a major career for themselves
Lack of Motivation and encouragement
Lack of motivation and encouragement of student is a problem and it affects their studies adversely.
Student needs to be motivated so that he can keep on studying.
Financial Problems
Current day education is very expensive. Many parents can’t afford the education of their children. Many students have to quit their education due to financial problems.
Lack of Practical Education
In our country most of the educational courses consist of theoretical knowledge only. There is having no or very less practical learning in most of the courses
Poverty has a major negative psychosocial impact. Persistent exposure to poverty has a directly negative effect on a child’s health, cognitive development and ultimately, their school achievement, particularly when poverty happens in infancy or early childhood.
Poverty has a direct effect on cognitive functioning and development, which has a direct impact on psychosocial development. If a child is unable to master the tasks that other children his/her age are, then their development may stall. Basically, poverty affects the physical, social, societal, and mental well-being of a child.
Cultural Values and Societal Roles
It may not come as a surprise that a person’s gender or cultural heritage can shape who they are and what they do in life. It also affects psychosocial development in positive and negative ways. It also effects self-esteem, academic achievement, stigmatization and psychosocial functioning.
Abuse or Neglect
The students who are neglected perform at the lowest levels of academic achievement among any maltreated children. This is significant in terms of classroom management because it may not be as easy to spot neglect as it could be to see the signs of physical and gender abuse.
Family Dynamics
According to studies of adolescent socialization in families by Steinberg, children whose parents were authoritative (warm and firm) showed high levels of competence and psychosocial maturity than peers who have more permissive, indifferent or authoritarian with their child .
Peer Influences
Students spend more time with peers/friends than any other group. These interactions are important for self-esteem, development and learning the hidden curriculum. Peers can however have both a positive and negative influence on adolescent development
Mental Health
It might seem like an obvious cause of psychosocial dysfunction, but mental health can have a broad meaning. It can cover disorders but also emotional stressors that cause mental health issues.
Physical Health and Malnutrition
Studies show that food insufficiency and malnutrition can affect not only physical development but also psychosocial development
Physical and learning disabilities can effect psychosocial development as well. Research on children with learning disabilities found a negative correlation with self-esteem, interpersonal relationships and juvenile delinquency
Stressors for student can include any of the above problems and more. It is important to note the fragility of the emotional state of children this age.
General Information
Name (Not compulsory/voluntary) Name of school-
Age- Sex – Male / Female Locality- Urban / Rural
Behavioural problems
Emotional Problems
Educational problems
Social problems
Personality of the lecturers
Characteristics of the students
Overcrowded classrooms
Nature of the Curriculum and Syllabus
-Examination oriented
Government Policies on Education
Learning environment and assessment methods
General problems |
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Husen, T., & Postlethwaite, T. N. (1994). The international encyclopedia of education ( 2nd ed.) England: Pergamon.
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